Econ 205: Intermediate Macroeconomics-II

Course Learning Outcomes: Intermediate Macroeconomics-II

The Intermediate Macroeconomics-II will enable students to combine their knowledge of the workings of the macroeconomy with long-run economic phenomena like economic growth, technological progress, R&D, and innovation. It will also enable students to understand business cycles and the concomitant role of policies.


Course Modules:

Economic growth Models:

Harrod-Domar model; Solow model; Romer model of economics of ideas, engines of growth, modern theories of endogenous growth.

Open economy models:

Short-run open economy models; Mundell-Fleming model; exchange rate determination; purchasing power parity; asset market approach; Dornbusch’s overshooting model; monetary approach to balance of payments; international financial markets.


Fiscal and monetary policy:

Active or passive; monetary policy objectives and targets; rules versus discretion: time consistency; the government budget constraint; government debt and Ricardian equivalence.


New Classical and New Keynesian Models:

Phelps and Friedman’s fooling model; Lucas model and Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition; Real Business Cycle Model; New Keynesian model with real and nominal rigidities; sticky marginal costs.


NOTE: The above modules give a rough idea about the topics covered in our Intermediate Macroeconomics-II course. Students will be given modules as per their respective University’s outline after prior discussion. dseonline